Transfer Agreements

Save money on an excellent college education by starting at 十大彩票平台! These transfer agreements and pathways have been carefully designed to help students avoid (or minimize) college debt while also expanding access to four-year colleges and universities.


十大彩票平台 participates in the MassTransfer Program with all Massachusetts public colleges and universities. This program guarantees participating students admission to the institution of their choice, provided they graduate from an approved major at 十大彩票平台 with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher. 

Participating students are subject to the program requirements in effect at the senior institution when they enroll at 十大彩票平台. Most MassTransfer programs at 十大彩票平台 incorporate the Gen Ed Foundation (formerly the MassTransfer Block) as part of their course requirements.

Please see the MassTransfer website for a full list of financial incentives, available majors, requirements, and instructions on how to apply.

Commonwealth Commitment

The Commonwealth Commitment is a statewide program that provides financial incentives to students who begin their higher education at 十大彩票平台 and then transfer to a Massachusetts public campus. Students must maintain continuous, full-time enrollment while maintaining a minimum 3.0 GPA, and are required to complete their associate degree within 2½ years, and then complete their Bachelor’s degree within another 2 years.

Financial incentives include a freeze in tuition and mandatory fees for the entirety of a student's enrollment period, as well as a 10% refund (of tuition and mandatory fees) at the conclusion of each Fall and Spring semester. The Commonwealth Commitment is not available in all majors, and students who wish to sign up for the program must do so before earning more than 15 college-level credits (excluding dual enrollment credits earned while in high school) at 十大彩票平台.

Gen Ed Foundation

The Gen Ed Foundation (formerly the MassTransfer block) is a 34-credit block of courses that, once completed at 十大彩票平台, will satisfy the general education requirements at any public college or university in Massachusetts.

The Gen Ed Foundation includes courses in the following areas:

Subject AreasCreditsNotes

Behavioral and social sciences


Courses may be in either subject area.

Humanities and fine arts


Courses may be in either subject area.

Natural or physical science


Must include at least one course with a lab.

English composition/writing



Mathematics/quantitative reasoning



These credits, when completed together with a 2.0 or higher GPA, fully transfer to any Massachusetts public campus, even if you transfer before earning an associate degree. These credits satisfy the general education/distribution/core requirements at any other Massachusetts public campus, with the receiving institution being able to add no more than six additional credits/two courses. 十大彩票平台 courses that fulfill the Gen Ed Foundation are indicated in their course descriptions on the 十大彩票平台 website.

Other Transfer Pathways

Going beyond MassTransfer, the Commonwealth Commitment, and the Gen Ed Foundation, 十大彩票平台 has partnered with many public and private colleges and universities to offer seamless transfer pathways for specific academic programs, in addition to joint admission opportunities with the Greater Springfield-area campuses.

十大彩票平台 Program Transfer Institution
Multiple Majors

American International College Pathways

Northeastern University Agreement

Northeastern University Pathways

Western Governors University Agreement

Western Governors University Pathways

Western New England University

Applied Psychology

Bay Path University

Post University


American International College (AIC)

Elms College

MCPHS University

Building Construction Management Fitchburg State University
Business Transfer

American International College (AIC)

Post University

Southern New Hampshire University

Chemistry American International College (AIC)
Communication and Digital Media

American International College (AIC)

Post University

Computer Science Elms College
Computer Systems Engineering Technology

Elms College

Southern New Hampshire University

Computer/IT Security Elms College
Criminal Justice

American International College (AIC)

Cambridge College

Criminal Justice Transfer

Cambridge College

Post University

Digital Photography American International College (AIC)
Early Childhood Education Transfer

Post University

General Studies Southern New Hampshire University
Graphic Design

American International College (AIC)

Elms College

Health Information Technology

Charter Oak State College

Elms College

Health Science

Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts

Westfield State University

Human Services/Social Work

Bay Path University

Cambridge College

Elms College

Post University

Interactive Media and Animation Design Technology American International College (AIC)
Medical Coding and Billing

Charter Oak State College

Elms College


Bay Path University

Colby Sawyer College

Elms College

Fitchburg State University

Salve Regina University

Southern New Hampshire University

University of Massachusetts Boston

Westfield State University

Programmer Elms College
Respiratory Care Colby-Sawyer College